June 14, 2020

All Day


Fosse Bank SchoolMountains Farm Lodge, Noble Tree Road, Hildenborough, Tonbridge, TN11 8ND, England

Postponed until Sunday 13th June 2021 (Provisonal)

A Rideof the Ruperts celebration of women on two wheels with a twist; put simply, this is not a ladies only ride.

Ladies who register to ride may invite one gentleman to join the celebration. Your invite may ride his own motorcycle or he can be your pillion for the day!

Starting at 8:30am from the beautiful grounds of Fosse Bank Independent School near Sevenoaks, Kent, TN11 8ND the ride will wind it’s way through approximately 60 miles of local scenery.

It goes without saying that, being a RotR Event, ladies and gents are invited to dress to impress. We do not require a certain style of bike should you wish to take part; this is a charity ride and therefore open to all.

The RotR is committed to another year of fundraising for the Movember Foundation, so please register at https://rideoftheruperts.co.uk/rupette/ and invite your gentleman-friend to do likewise.